
  • Intestinal nutrition, large intestine is important too — Tributyrin

    Intestinal nutrition, large intestine is important too — Tributyrin

    Raising cattle means raising rumen, raising fish means raising ponds, and raising pigs means raising intestines. "Nutritionists think so. Since intestinal health has been valued, people began to regulate intestinal health through some nutritional and technological means....
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    Aquaculture has recently become the fastest growing segment of the animal agriculture industry as a response to the dwindling number of aquatic animals caught in the wild. For over 12 years Efine has worked alongside fish and shrimp feed manufacturers in developing superior feed additive solutio...
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    Aquaculture has recently become the fastest growing segment of the animal agriculture industry as a response to the dwindling number of aquatic animals caught in the wild. For over 12 years Efine has worked alongside fish and shrimp feed manufacturers in developing superior feed additive solutio...
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  • Betaine series surfactants and their properties

    Betaine series surfactants and their properties

    Betaine series amphoteric surfactants are amphoteric surfactants containing strong alkaline N atoms. They are truly neutral salts with wide isoelectric range. They show dipole characteristics in a wide range. There are many evidences that betaine surfactants exist in the...
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  • Funcation of Betaine for animal feed

    Betaine is a naturally occurring compound widely distributed in plants and animals.As a feed additive, it is provided in anhydrous or hydrochloride form. It can be added to animal feed for various purposes. First of all, these purposes may be related to the very effective methyl donor ability of ...
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  • Betaine, a feed additive for aquaculture without antibiotics

    Betaine, a feed additive for aquaculture without antibiotics

    Betaine, also known as glycine trimethyl internal salt, is a non-toxic and harmless natural compound, quaternary amine alkaloid. It is white prismatic or leaf like crystal with molecular formula C5H12NO2, molecular weight of 118 and melting point of 293 ℃. It tastes swee...
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  • Betaine‘s function in cosmetics: reduce irritation

    Betaine‘s function in cosmetics: reduce irritation

    Betaine exists in many plantsnaturally , such as beet, spinach, malt, mushroom and fruit, as well as in some animals, such as lobster claws, octopus, squid and aquatic crustaceans, including human liver. Cosmetic betaine is mostly extracted from sugar beet root molasses ...
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  • Betaine HCL 98% Powder, Animal Health Feed Additive

    Betaine HCL 98% Powder, Animal Health Feed Additive

    Betaine HCL feed grade as nutrition supplement for poultry Betaine hydrochloride (HCl) is an N-trimethylated form of the amino acid glycine with a chemical structure similar to choline. Betaine Hydrochloride is a quaternary ammonium salt, lactone alkaloids, with active N-CH3 and within the struc...
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  • What Are the Animal Health Benefits of Allicin

    What Are the Animal Health Benefits of Allicin

    Feed Allicin Allicin powder used in feed additive field, Garlic powder is primarily used in feed additive for developing the poultry and fishes against the disease and promoting development and enhancing the taste of egg and meat. The product reveals a non-drug resistant, non-residual function a...
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  • Calcium Propionate – Animal Feed Supplements

    Calcium Propionate – Animal Feed Supplements

          Calcium Propionate which is a calcium salt of propionic acid formed by the reaction of Calcium Hydroxide & Propionic Acid. Calcium Propionate is used to reduce the possibility of mold & aerobic sporulating bacterial development in feeds. It maintains the nutritive value & elonga...
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  • What are the results of comparing the benefits of using potassium diformate with the effects of using conventional feed antibiotics?

    What are the results of comparing the benefits of using potassium diformate with the effects of using conventional feed antibiotics?

    The application of organic acids can improve the growth performance of growing broilers and pigs. Paulicks et al. (1996) conducted a dose titration test to evaluate the effect of increasing potassium dicarboxylate level on the performance of growing piglets. 0, 0.4, 0.8,...
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  • Betaine applications in animal nutrition

    Betaine applications in animal nutrition

    One of the well-known applications of betaine in animal feed is saving feed costs by replacing choline chloride and methionine as methyl donor in poultry diets. Besides this application, betaine can be dosed on top for several applications in different animal species. In this article we explain ...
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